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Huckabee’s False Witnessing

Huckabee’s False Witnessing

Mike Huckabee made a number of twisted claims about President Obama’s recent reference to the Crusades and the Inquisition at the National Prayer Breakfast.

Obama and ‘American Exceptionalism’

Obama and ‘American Exceptionalism’

Bobby Jindal revived an old criticism about President Obama’s penchant for multilateralism, but he went too far when he said Obama “won’t proudly proclaim American exceptionalism.”

Overstating Impact of Funding Stalemate

Overstating Impact of Funding Stalemate

Some Democrats overstated the potential impacts of a congressional stalemate that threatens to leave the Department of Homeland Security without funding after Feb. 27.

Saudi Arabia and the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

Saudi Arabia and the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

Zacarias Moussaoui, a convicted 9/11 co-conspirator, says members of Saudi Arabia’s royal family helped finance al Qaeda prior to the 2001 terrorist attacks. The Saudi government says that “there’s no evidence to support Moussaoui’s claim.” Who’s right?

Slower Premium Growth Under Obama

Slower Premium Growth Under Obama

Republicans say the average family health insurance premium has increased by $4,154 under President Obama. That’s right — and it’s a much slower rate of growth than under President George W. Bush.

False Narrative on Measles Outbreak

False Narrative on Measles Outbreak

Rep. Mo Brooks and potential presidential hopeful Ben Carson both suggested a connection between illegal immigration and the spread of diseases such as measles in the United States.

Obama’s Loophole Logic

Obama’s Loophole Logic

The White House is claiming that the top 1 percent of all earners would pay 99 percent of the capital gains tax increase proposed by the president. But that claim rests on some debatable logic.

Paul Repeats Baseless Vaccine Claims

Paul Repeats Baseless Vaccine Claims

Sen. Rand Paul gave false and misleading statements about vaccine safety in two separate interviews, including a claim that “many” children have developed “profound mental disorders” after vaccinations.

Obama Juices the Genome Numbers

Obama Juices the Genome Numbers

President Obama repeated an outdated and questionable number for the Human Genome Project’s return on investment, and oversold just how cheap sequencing a single person’s full genetic code has become.

Obama Fudges Facts in Philly

Obama Fudges Facts in Philly

In a speech to House Democrats, President Barack Obama stretched the facts to underscore political points about national security and the improving economy.