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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Student Loan Stretching

Student Loan Stretching

Arkansas Rep. Tom Cotton mischaracterizes the Affordable Care Act’s impact on student loans, and a teachers union stretches Cotton’s voting record on the issue.

Jenkins Ads Mislead on Carbon Tax, Coal

Jenkins Ads Mislead on Carbon Tax, Coal

Two highly misleading ads from Republican Evan Jenkins leave the false impression that Rep. Nick Rahall is responsible for higher electric rates and personally profited from his votes in Congress.

FactChecking the Louisiana Senate Race

FactChecking the Louisiana Senate Race

It ain’t over till it’s over. Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu and her Republican challenger, Rep. Bill Cassidy, are now headed to a Dec. 6 runoff in Louisiana.

The Uninsured in Kentucky

The Uninsured in Kentucky

Sen. Mitch McConnell and Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes disagreed at their Oct. 13 debate on how many Kentuckians had gained health insurance through the state exchange.

Corbett’s Desperation and Deceit

Corbett’s Desperation and Deceit

We’ve noticed that the most deceitful attack ads often come from candidates who are most desperate. For example, consider the claim by Pennsylvania’s unpopular Republican Gov. Tom Corbett that his opponent “is promising to raise middle-class taxes.”

No Proof of ‘Lying’

No Proof of ‘Lying’

Sen. Mitch McConnell claims in a TV ad to have “shocking” video evidence from Alison Lundergan Grimes’ “own staff” to prove “Grimes is lying” about her support for coal. He doesn’t.

A ‘Whopper’ in Arkansas Debate?

A ‘Whopper’ in Arkansas Debate?

At an Oct. 13 Arkansas Senate debate, Rep. Tom Cotton claimed that Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor “voted for every one of Barack Obama’s tax increases.” Pryor called this a “whopper,” and countered that he “voted against every budget that President Obama has offered.” We find that both are not telling the whole story.

FactChecking the Alaska Senate Race

FactChecking the Alaska Senate Race

Sen. Mark Begich has portrayed his Republican opponent, Dan Sullivan, as soft on sex offenders and tough on women’s rights. Sullivan has accused the Democrat of hurting taxpayers and ignoring veterans. Both candidates and their allies have twisted the facts.

What We Were Told About Ebola

What We Were Told About Ebola

Sen. John McCain claimed on a Sunday talk show that “we were told there would never be a case of Ebola in the United States.” Not exactly.

Double Whopper Against King

Double Whopper Against King

A TV ad from Democrat Jim Mowrer claims Iowa Rep. Steve King “did vote to raise his own pay by $20,000 a year and take perks like free health care for life.” That’s a double whopper.