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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Moldy Baloney About Vets’ Benefits

Moldy Baloney About Vets’ Benefits

A Democratic PAC is serving up some 11-year-old baloney in an attempt to keep ex-House member Doug Ose from returning to Congress.

Twisting Begich’s Response to VA Scandal

Twisting Begich’s Response to VA Scandal

Crossroads GPS misuses a quote from Sen. Mark Begich and conflates two separate management problems at the Veterans Administration to insinuate in a TV ad that Begich doesn’t take the current VA scandal seriously.

Peters’ ‘War’ on Michigan Jobs?

Peters’ ‘War’ on Michigan Jobs?

A Web ad from Republican Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land claims Rep. Gary Peters backed “carbon taxes” that would have “killed up to 96,000 Michigan jobs.” But Peters didn’t support a carbon tax, which has never advanced to a vote in Congress.

More Mississippi Mud

More Mississippi Mud

A super PAC backing Sen. Thad Cochran in the Mississippi GOP primary falsely claims state Sen. Chris McDaniel has “the worst attendance record in the state Senate,” and exaggerates the importance of votes he missed.

AFP Misuses Survey, Again

AFP Misuses Survey, Again

Americans for Prosperity is again citing an unscientific survey on health premiums to attack Democratic supporters of Obamacare – this time claiming in a new TV ad that premiums are up “by nearly 40 percent” in Michigan.

Arkansas Exaggerations

Arkansas Exaggerations

Candidates in the Arkansas governor’s race are exaggerating their differences in misleading TV ads.

Cantor Mislabels Opponent, The Sequel

Cantor Mislabels Opponent, The Sequel

A new ad from House Republican Leader Eric Cantor again misrepresents his primary opponent’s role on a state economic forecasting board, and this time misappropriates our credibility by citing a story in which we dinged Cantor for twisting the facts.

Twisting Cochran’s Record

Twisting Cochran’s Record

A TV ad from a tea party group plays word games in an attempt to align Mississippi Republican Sen. Thad Cochran with President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on health care, immigration and the federal debt.

Abortion Attack Goes Too Far in Montana

Abortion Attack Goes Too Far in Montana

A TV ad in Montana says Rep. Steve Daines — who opposes abortion rights — “proposed making women criminals for having an abortion.” But the bill that the ad cites expressly bars “the prosecution of any woman for the death of her unborn child.”

Montana’s Chinese Connection

Montana’s Chinese Connection

Montana Senate candidates Steve Daines and John Walsh accuse each other in TV ads of helping to ship American jobs to China, but both sides fail to support their exaggerated claims.