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King’s ‘Thin Air’ Immigrant Stat

King’s ‘Thin Air’ Immigrant Stat

Rep. Steve King attracted attention — and criticism from Republican leaders — for saying of immigrants who came to the U.S. illegally as children: “For every one who’s a valedictorian, there’s another 100 out there that they weigh 130 pounds and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.”

Spitzer Ad Doctors Headline

Spitzer Ad Doctors Headline

Newspaper stories are often used to misleading effect in political ads, but a new one-minute ad from New York City comptroller candidate Eliot Spitzer puts a twist on the theme by actually doctoring a New York Times headline.

Cruz’s Nonfactual Illegal Immigration Figures

Cruz’s Nonfactual Illegal Immigration Figures

Sen. Ted Cruz says there will be “20 or 30 million” people living in the U.S. illegally “in another 10, 20 years” if the Senate immigration bill becomes law. But the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office says the bill, if enacted, will reduce future illegal immigration by 33 percent to 50 percent compared with current law.

GOP Mistweets #Obamacare Survey Results

GOP Mistweets #Obamacare Survey Results

House Speaker John Boehner, among other Republicans, wrongly tweeted that a recent “study” found “74% of small businesses will fire workers, cut hours under #Obamacare.” Actually, no more than 13 percent of the small businesses surveyed said that.

Gohmert Piles Distortion Upon Distortion

Gohmert Piles Distortion Upon Distortion

Rep. Louie Gohmert went on Fox News and accused President Obama of a pattern of discrimination against Christians, particularly in the military, but many of his examples were false, distorted or incomplete.

Spitzer’s False Claim on Immigration

Spitzer’s False Claim on Immigration

Eliot Spitzer falsely claimed that allowing immigrants living in the United States illegally to obtain driver’s licenses — a policy he attempted to implement as governor of New York in 2007 — is now the “law of the land.”

Obama Overhypes Health Savings

Obama Overhypes Health Savings

President Barack Obama presented a glowing but incomplete view of how much Americans can save on premiums thanks to the Affordable Care Act.

Bachmann Cries Wolf

Bachmann Cries Wolf

Rep. Michele Bachmann ginned up a bogus doomsday scenario for Republicans in 2014, falsely warning that President Obama would “wave his magic wand” to grant voting rights to newly legalized immigrants if Congress passes an immigration bill that includes a path to citizenship.

VA Democrats Throw the Book at Cuccinelli

VA Democrats Throw the Book at Cuccinelli

A Democratic TV ad goes a little too far when it says GOP gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli’s new book “questions whether Medicare and Social Security should exist.”