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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

False Assumptions on the Health Care Law

False Assumptions on the Health Care Law

An ad from a conservative group attacks the health care law by asking misleading and loaded questions about its impact. The ad features a mother named Julie, who asks, “If we can’t pick our own doctor, how do I know my family’s going to get the care they need?”

Rep. Labrador Spins Immigration Bill

Rep. Labrador Spins Immigration Bill

Rep. Raul Labrador misrepresented key elements of the Senate immigration bill during a July 7 appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Food-Aid Foolery

Food-Aid Foolery

To learn a bit about how partisans create false political propaganda, take a few moments to study what’s behind this headline: “More People Getting Government Food than Actually Working.”

It’s Groundhog Day for Fact-Checkers

It’s Groundhog Day for Fact-Checkers

Patriot Majority USA, a Democratic political action committee, taps the same old playbook from summer 2012, dredging up all-too-predictable Medicare and health care claims in attacking Arkansas Republican Rep. Tom Cotton, a potential 2014 Senate candidate.

Spinning Obama’s Climate Change Plan

Spinning Obama’s Climate Change Plan

Rep. Eric Cantor said Americans are increasingly “losing faith in their economy.” Obama said that “since 2006, no country on Earth has reduced its total carbon pollution by as much as the United States of America.”

A Misleading Attack on McConnell

A Misleading Attack on McConnell

A conservative group misleadingly claims Sen. Mitch McConnell “funded the implementation of Obamacare.” McConnell voted to fund the government — including the department responsible for the Affordable Care Act.

The Facts on CBO’s Immigration Report

The Facts on CBO’s Immigration Report

Two senators opposed to the Gang of Eight immigration bill are telling only half the story with their claims that the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office warned the bill would be bad for wages and unemployment.

Jeb Bush Gets ‘F’ on School Spending

Jeb Bush Gets ‘F’ on School Spending

Jeb Bush has repeatedly — and falsely — claimed that the United States spends “more per student than any country in the world.” Luxembourg, Norway and Switzerland all spend more than the U.S. on elementary and secondary education.

Cherry-Picking McConnell’s Pay Raise Votes

Cherry-Picking McConnell’s Pay Raise Votes

A Democratic TV ad attacking Sen. Mitch McConnell for voting to “raise his own pay four times” simply ignores other votes he has cast to prevent automatic pay increases for members of Congress.

Parting Shots in Massachusetts

Parting Shots in Massachusetts

In the closing days of the Massachusetts Senate race, the campaign rhetoric has been marred by partial truths.