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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

9/11 Hijackers and Student Visas

9/11 Hijackers and Student Visas

Lawmakers on both sides of the immigration debate have falsely claimed that “some” or “all” of the 9/11 hijackers were in the U.S. on student visas. Only one of the 19 hijackers came to the U.S. on a student visa. The rest arrived here on tourist or business visas.

McCain’s Gitmo Exaggeration

McCain’s Gitmo Exaggeration

Sen. John McCain exaggerated when he claimed that about 25 percent of prisoners released from Guantanamo have returned to terrorist activities in “leadership positions.”

Debatable Facts in South Carolina

Debatable Facts in South Carolina

In a spirited debate between South Carolina congressional candidates Elizabeth Colbert Busch and Mark Sanford, we found a couple of misleading statements — and one seemingly contradictory exchange about Sanford’s voting record that isn’t.

Jeb Bush’s Jobs Claim

Jeb Bush’s Jobs Claim

In touting conservative policies in Republican-controlled states, Jeb Bush claimed, “The Southeast is leading a renaissance in American manufacturing.” Not so. The Midwest has experienced a 9 percent increase in manufacturing jobs since the sector began its recovery in February 2010.

Zuckerberg-backed Group Spins Immigration

Zuckerberg-backed Group Spins Immigration

A group with ties to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg hijacks the credibility of news organizations in a misleading ad that supports a bipartisan immigration overhaul bill. The ad attributes several quotes to media outlets, but the quotes come from opinion pieces written by backers of the immigration bill.

FactCheck’s ‘People’s Voice’ Victory

FactCheck’s ‘People’s Voice’ Victory

We would like to thank you, our loyal readers, for making us the 2013 Webby People’s Voice Winner in the politics category. Our win this year marks the sixth time that your votes have made us the recipient of a Webby Award, which honors excellence on the Internet. And, as always, we are grateful for your support.

Democrats Distort Vote on Climate Change

Democrats Distort Vote on Climate Change

A Democratic video says 240 House members “voted in 2011 that climate change was a ‘hoax.’ ” Not exactly. The 2011 vote was ultimately a referendum on who should set climate change policy — the Environmental Protection Agency or Congress. It was not a vote on whether climate change is a “hoax.”

GOP Hits Turbulence with FAA Claim

GOP Hits Turbulence with FAA Claim

A number of Republicans are using misleading numbers when they say the Federal Aviation Administration should cut consultants and travel before resorting to furloughs that are causing airport delays.

Lindsey Graham’s ‘Enemy Combatant’ Exaggeration

Lindsey Graham’s ‘Enemy Combatant’ Exaggeration

Sen. Lindsey Graham exaggerated when he claimed “all the information” that led to the capture of Osama bin Laden came from “enemy combatants held at Guantanamo Bay.” Detainees provided “key information” about bin Laden’s “courier network,” but “other sources” provided “other intelligence” that ultimately led to his capture and death, intelligence officials have said.

NRA Misrepresents Police Survey, Legislation

NRA Misrepresents Police Survey, Legislation

On the day the Senate voted down a series of gun control bills, the National Rifle Association made false and misleading claims in opposing a measure to expand background checks.