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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

A Botched Attack on IRS Budget

A Botched Attack on IRS Budget

An ad calling for the abolishment of the IRS incorrectly claimed that the federal agency’s budget increased by $2 billion. In fact, it’s down by nearly $1 billion during President Barack Obama’s first term.

A Puffed-up Appeal to Job Fears

A Puffed-up Appeal to Job Fears

A TV ad opposing the Senate immigration bill uses inflated numbers in an oversimplified, one-sided appeal to fears about job security.

Outside Attacks in Massachusetts

Outside Attacks in Massachusetts

New ads from outside Democratic groups attacking Massachusetts Senate candidate Gabriel Gomez distort his positions on Social Security and taxes.

Obama’s Judicial Juggling

Obama’s Judicial Juggling

President Obama incorrectly claims that the Senate has taken three times longer to confirm his court nominees than those of his predecessor, George W. Bush.

Distortions in the Medicaid Battle

Distortions in the Medicaid Battle

Conservative critics of the Affordable Care Act are misrepresenting a study examining the health benefits of expanding Medicaid to cover more low-income people.

Checking on Background Checks

Checking on Background Checks

An ad from Mayor’s Against Illegal Guns accuses Sen. Jeff Flake of breaking a promise to strengthen background checks because he voted against a bill that would have expanded background checks.

A False Claim of Blame in Mass. Senate Race

A False Claim of Blame in Mass. Senate Race

Republican Gabriel Gomez falsely claims his opponent in the Massachusetts Senate race blamed him for the school shooting in Newtown, Conn., and compared him to Osama bin Laden.

Republican Overreach on IRS

Republican Overreach on IRS

While there has been plenty to find fault with in the revelation that the IRS targeted some tea party groups seeking tax exempt status, some of the Republican rhetoric has been an overreach.

IRS Officials Misled Congress, Public

IRS officials gave false or misleading information on numerous occasions regarding its now discredited practice of targeting conservative groups that sought nonprofit status.