Vice President Joe Biden falsely claimed that U.S. workers “are three times as productive as any worker in the world.” He’s not even close. By the standard measure for productivity, American workers ranked third in the world behind Norway and Ireland in 2011.
Benghazi Attack, Revisited
9/11 Hijackers and Student Visas
McCain’s Gitmo Exaggeration
Debatable Facts in South Carolina
Jeb Bush’s Jobs Claim
Zuckerberg-backed Group Spins Immigration
A group with ties to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg hijacks the credibility of news organizations in a misleading ad that supports a bipartisan immigration overhaul bill. The ad attributes several quotes to media outlets, but the quotes come from opinion pieces written by backers of the immigration bill.
FactCheck’s ‘People’s Voice’ Victory
We would like to thank you, our loyal readers, for making us the 2013 Webby People’s Voice Winner in the politics category. Our win this year marks the sixth time that your votes have made us the recipient of a Webby Award, which honors excellence on the Internet. And, as always, we are grateful for your support.