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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Posts Share Fake Chelsea Clinton Quote About Global Childhood Vaccination Effort

Posts Share Fake Chelsea Clinton Quote About Global Childhood Vaccination Effort

An international initiative called the Big Catch-Up aims to increase vaccination among children who have missed routine vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic. In describing the project, Chelsea Clinton did not say it was time to “force-jab every unvaccinated child in America,” nor will the project impose mandatory vaccinations, contrary to claims.

The Political Disagreement Over a Health Exception for Later Abortions

The Political Disagreement Over a Health Exception for Later Abortions

In recent years, Democrats in Congress have introduced a bill that would bar states from prohibiting abortion after a fetus is viable outside the womb in cases where the patient’s life or health is at risk. Republicans claim that the bill would allow abortion on demand “up to the moment of birth.” Democrats counter that’s not what they support.

Fox News and Dominion Voting Not Owned By Same Company, Contrary to Online Posts

Fox News and Dominion Voting Not Owned By Same Company, Contrary to Online Posts

Dominion Voting Systems sued Fox News for defamation, alleging the news organization spread lies about the company after the 2020 election. After the suit was settled, social media posts falsely claimed that Fox and Dominion Voting Systems were owned by the same company, BlackRock. BlackRock does not own any shares of Dominion Voting Systems.

Online Claims Misrepresent Washington Bill Aimed at Runaway Transgender Youth

Online Claims Misrepresent Washington Bill Aimed at Runaway Transgender Youth

Q: Does a proposed law in Washington state say that the government can take children away from parents who don’t agree to gender transition surgery?

A: No. Under the bill, licensed youth shelters no longer have to report the location of a runaway child to the child’s parents if the child is seeking gender-affirming or reproductive care. Instead, the shelters must notify the state’s child services department.

Kansas School Sports Act Doesn’t Require ‘Genital Inspections,’ Contrary to Online Posts

Kansas School Sports Act Doesn’t Require ‘Genital Inspections,’ Contrary to Online Posts

Kansas passed a bill allowing only “biologically female” students to play on girls’ and women’s athletic teams from elementary through college. Social media posts misleadingly claim the bill will allow “forced genital inspections” of students. The bill doesn’t mention genital inspections, and it leaves the implementation of policies up to schools’ governing bodies.