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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Democratic Radio Ads Can Stand Clarification

Radio ads being run by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee refer to three Ohio Republicans as “rubberstamp Republicans” for initiatives supported by the President. In fact, their voting records are about average for Republican House members.

Liberal Ad Against Alito: True As Far As It Goes

A mostly liberal group’s ad says Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito made a ruling “to make it easier for corporations to discriminate” and also “voted to approve the strip search of a 10-year-old girl.” As is often the case with 30-second ads, there’s more to it than that.

California: Drug Company Half-Truths

The industry wages an $80-million campaign against a California ballot measure to require discounts on prescriptions for middle-income patients.

We Need A Fence?

TV ads say “easy immigration from Mexico” provides cover for terrorists. But the 9/11 hijackers had visas. And what about Canada?

No Death Penalty For Hitler? GOP Ad Goes Too Far

The Republican candidate for Virginia governor claims his opponent “says that Adolf Hitler doesn’t qualify for the death penalty.” But that’s not what the Democrat said.

RNC’s False E-mail

Mehlman claims,”Before Ms. Miers was even announced many Democrat groups said they would oppose her.” Actually, none did.