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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

A Premature Attack

Pro-Bush group’s ad faults Democrats for criticisms they haven’t yet made, about a Supreme Court nominee who hasn’t been named, to a vacancy that doesn’t yet exist.

Important Notice to FactCheck.org Subscribers

Since last year’s election FactCheck.org has been working on plans to add new features to the Web site, and a new design. We hope to launch the “new” FactCheck.org Web site sometime in July. Meanwhile, as the first step, we are upgrading our subscription email service effective immediately. Nearly all our 75,000 subscribers should now receive better service.
Starting immediately, management of the FactCheck.org subscriber list is being handled by Constant Contact, a specialized firm that handles membership lists and email campaigns for more than 1,500 other nonprofit organizations.

Estate Tax Malarkey

In TV and radio ads two conservative groups greatly overstate the burden that the federal estate tax puts on heirs to a family farm or business.

Are Democrats Causing Delays in Court?

Contrary to a pro-Bush TV ad, Republicans share the blame for “empty courtrooms,” and delays are shorter now than they were before Bush.