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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

ACLU Ad On “Sneak-and-Peek” Searches: Overblown

The American Civil Liberties Union is running an ad alleging that the USA Patriot Act allows authorities to search homes “without notifying us . . . treating us all like suspects.” That’s not exactly true.

A False Ad About Assault Weapons

A new MoveOn PAC ad implies machine guns are becoming legal, which isn’t true. And it blames Bush, even though Bush said he would have extended the ban on assault weapons.

Kerry Exaggerates Cost of War in Iraq

Kerry is using an exaggerated figure for the cost of the Iraq war in his latest line of attack against Bush, claiming in the latest version of his standard stump speech that the war in Iraq has cost “$200 billion and counting.”

Bush Still Fudging the Numbers on Kerry’s Tax Votes

The Bush-Cheney campaign released a television ad August 23 accusing Kerry of casting “98 votes for tax increases.” The number is an improvement on Bush’s earlier claim that Kerry cast 350 votes for “higher taxes,” which we described as inflated. But even the new, reduced total is padded.