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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Guilt by Association

A Liberal group accuses evangelist James Dobson of being ‘knee deep’ in the Jack Abramoff scandal, but there’s no evidence of a connection.

Swiftly Defending DeLay

A somewhat misleading pro-DeLay ad is funded by $200,000 from a donor who also bankrolled the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

Misstatement of the Union

The President burnishes the State of the Union through selective facts and strategic omissions.

New Group, Old Habits

A liberal group re-names itself and launches a $1-million ad campaign making dubious claims.

Defaming DeLay?

Houston TV stations refuse to run a liberal TV ad accusing DeLay of “corruption” after his lawyer threatens to sue. We look at the facts.

Anti-Alito Ad Uses Selective Quotes

It cites a study saying Alito ruled to narrow privacy rights. It didn’t quote the part saying he’s seen as restrained and nonpartisan.

Does Alito Pretend To Be A Moderate?

We examine a MoveOn.org ad saying he “plays one on TV,” and implying he gives misleading answers to “problem” questions.