Ads thanking lawmakers for voting for Medicare Bill include four too many.
Down and Dirty in Georgia
Both candidates for the Democratic slot on the gubernatorial ballot overplay their hands.
Misleading Attack in New Jersey Senate Race
Democrat Bob Menendez inaccurately portrays Republican Tom Kean as “getting around” a law that doesn’t even apply to him.
Vultures, Death, Taxes & More Falsehoods
The Free Enterprise Fund continues a campaign of misinformation against the estate tax.
A False Ad in Georgia
A Democratic candidate for governor accuses a primary opponent of voting against a popular measure … before she was even elected to the legislature.
We’ll Always Have Paris
A Paris Hilton impersonator says it would be “awesome” to repeal the estate tax, while an anti-tax group calls the tax “cruel and unfair.”
Scientist to CEI: You Used My Research To “Confuse and Mislead”
The Competitive Enterprise Institute runs ads saying “The Antarctic ice sheet is getting thicker.” A professor objects, saying CEI deliberately misrepresents his research.
Early Reviews For Campaign 2006 Ads: ‘Sleazy,’ ‘False,’ ‘Rubbish’
Both parties are panned for their attack-ad tactics. A preview of October?
Test-marketing the “Amnesty” Issue
Republican Brian Bilbray accuses Democrat Francine Busby of supporting “amnesty” for illegal aliens. What does that mean?
More California Fact-Twisting
Republicans aimed more distorted attacks at Democrat Francine Busby in the June 6 special House election to fill the seat vacated by convicted GOP congressman Randy “Duke” Cunningham, who resigned after pleading guilty to accepting bribes.
A National Republican Congressional Committee ad misleads viewers by saying Busby “could bring back the death tax,” when in fact she has publicly supported permanent repeal of the federal estate tax for years, a fact known to Republican opposition researchers.