Both sides twist and hype the case of a CIA agent’s leaked identity. We document what’s known so far.
Abortion Distortions
Senators from both sides make false claims about Roe v. Wade.
A $100 Million Court Fight?
Groups launch new ads only hours after Supreme Court vacancy announced. Each side portrays the other as extreme, even before a nominee is named.
Bush’s Iraq Speech: Long On Assertion, Short On Facts
Bush says “progress is uneven” in Iraq, but accentuates positive evidence and mostly ignores the negative.
A Premature Attack
Pro-Bush group’s ad faults Democrats for criticisms they haven’t yet made, about a Supreme Court nominee who hasn’t been named, to a vacancy that doesn’t yet exist.
Kerry’s PAC Touts Health Insurance For All Kids
The ad is accurate. But it leaves out details on how Kerry would pay for his proposal, and what it might cost.
Important Notice to Subscribers
Since last year’s election has been working on plans to add new features to the Web site, and a new design. We hope to launch the “new” Web site sometime in July. Meanwhile, as the first step, we are upgrading our subscription email service effective immediately. Nearly all our 75,000 subscribers should now receive better service.
Starting immediately, management of the subscriber list is being handled by Constant Contact, a specialized firm that handles membership lists and email campaigns for more than 1,500 other nonprofit organizations.
Estate Tax Malarkey
In TV and radio ads two conservative groups greatly overstate the burden that the federal estate tax puts on heirs to a family farm or business.
The Biography of a Bad Statistic
Abortions rising under Bush? Not true. How that false claim came to be – and lives on.
Asbestos Lawsuits: Which Republican is Misleading?
Sen. Specter attacks former House Republican Leader Armey as “just another paid lobbyist spreading disinformation” about his asbestos bill. Neither is telling the real story.