Straining the facts at Iowa’s debate on Sunday Jan. 4.
Gephardt ‘Enron’ Attack Misses the Mark
Dick Gephardt has been attacking Howard Dean for giving “huge tax breaks” to Enron. But Gephardt has failed to show that Enron got any special treatment.
Republican Economist Asks ‘Retraction’ – But Our Facts Stand
A Republican economist on the Joint Economic Committee says made “multiple and blatant factual errors” in an article we published Dec. 5. We don’t think so.
Puncturing a Republican Tax Fable
Republican National Chairman Ed Gillespie said “80% of the tax relief for upper income filers goes to small businesses.” That’s untrue – and a classic example of a statistical distortion gone amok.
Facts Take a Bath at Democratic Debate
Political junkies tuning into the most recent Democratic candidates debate Dec. 9 in Durham, NH should not believe all that they heard.
Liberal Group Attacks Dean on Gun Control
A new liberal group is running a TV ad in Iowa attacking Howard Dean for his record on gun control. The ad says Dean was endorsed repeatedly by the National Rifle Association for governor of Vermont — which is true. Dean’s position has shifted a bit since then, however.
Attack Ad by Anti-tax Group Too Close for Dean’s Comfort
An anti-tax group started running an attack ad Thursday Dec. 4 in Iowa and New Hampshire saying “Howard Dean says he’ll raise taxes on the average family by more than nineteen hundred dollars a year.” Dean calls the ad “false,” but we find it is mostly right.