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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

FBI Reimbursed Twitter for Providing User Information

FBI Reimbursed Twitter for Providing User Information

In an email to a Twitter lawyer in February 2021, an unidentified Twitter employee wrote that the company had received over $3.4 million from the FBI since October 2019 as reimbursement for Twitter’s processing of legal requests for user information. That is not evidence that the FBI paid Twitter to “censor” or “suppress” content.

Post Misstates Quote from Starbucks CEO on Marriage

Post Misstates Quote from Starbucks CEO on Marriage

Starbucks has a long history of supporting LGBTQ rights and same-sex marriage. But a post on social media twists a 2013 statement from its CEO at the time to falsely claim he said don’t buy Starbucks coffee “if you support traditional marriage.”

Biden’s Misleading Unemployment Statistic

Biden’s Misleading Unemployment Statistic

At the U.S. Conference of Mayors’ winter meeting, President Joe Biden left the false impression that unemployment declined by more than 16 million people on his watch, when the decline was under 5 million.

Viral Tweet Misrepresents NOAA Report on Rising Global Temperature

Viral Tweet Misrepresents NOAA Report on Rising Global Temperature

The warming trend in global temperature continued in 2022, which was the sixth-warmest year on record, according to a recent report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. But a viral tweet — using just a small segment of a NOAA graph — wrongly claimed the agency had announced a “global cooling” trend.

Polio Elimination Due to Vaccination, Not End of Pesticide Use

Polio Elimination Due to Vaccination, Not End of Pesticide Use

Polio, a paralytic disease caused by a virus, has been eliminated in the U.S. — and nearly wiped out globally — thanks to vaccines. But social media posts are reviving old, false claims that polio is instead caused by pesticides and outbreaks of the disease ended when people stopped using DDT.