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Correcting Misinformation About Dr. Fauci

Correcting Misinformation About Dr. Fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci has announced that in December he will step down from his positions as chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden and as head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and its laboratory of immunoregulation. Here are some of the false and misleading claims about Fauci, his work and his public health guidance that we have written about since the coronavirus pandemic began in 2020. 

FactChecking Republican Attacks on Fetterman’s Crime Stance

FactChecking Republican Attacks on Fetterman’s Crime Stance

Political ads and social media attacks by opponents of Democratic Senate candidate John Fetterman have sought to portray Pennsylvania’s lieutenant governor as dangerously soft on crime, but some of the claims stretch the facts.

Posts Fabricate Claim that Congress Voted to Exempt Members from IRS Audits

Posts Fabricate Claim that Congress Voted to Exempt Members from IRS Audits

After Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act, which includes funding to increase staff at the IRS, social media posts falsely claimed members of Congress “voted to exempt themselves from IRS auditing of their personal finances.” An IRS spokesperson told us “there is no such special exemption,” and we found no such vote had been taken.

Images Show IRS Educational Program, Not Training of Agents

Images Show IRS Educational Program, Not Training of Agents

The IRS Criminal Investigation division’s “Adrian Project” educates the public about the IRS through community outreach sessions with high school and college students. Posts on social media are sharing a video from one of the sessions to falsely claim it shows agents in training. The images were posted by a New Jersey university in 2017 and earlier this year.

Poliovirus Found in New York City Wastewater, Not Tap Water

Poliovirus Found in New York City Wastewater, Not Tap Water

Wastewater surveillance is a public health tool that can track the spread of pathogens. The virus that causes polio was detected in New York City sewage as part of such monitoring efforts. Social media posts, however, have incorrectly claimed the virus was found in tap water. Similar claims have been made about the monkeypox virus.

Trump’s Dubious ‘Standing Order’ to Declassify Documents

Trump’s Dubious ‘Standing Order’ to Declassify Documents

After the FBI seized boxes of U.S. documents from Mar-a-Lago — some of them labeled “top secret” — former President Donald Trump claimed he had a “standing order” that documents “taken to the residence were deemed to be declassified.” Numerous experts say that isn’t plausible.

Crude Oil Prices Down Due to Recession Fears, Contributing to Lower Gasoline Prices

Crude Oil Prices Down Due to Recession Fears, Contributing to Lower Gasoline Prices

President Joe Biden and members of his administration have touted the falling gasoline prices, suggesting that the decrease was because of the president’s policies. But U.S. presidents have little control over the price that consumers pay for gasoline. We look at the reasons for the decline in gasoline prices.