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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Republicans Mischaracterize Proposed Financial Reporting Requirement

Republicans Mischaracterize Proposed Financial Reporting Requirement

To help detect unreported income and narrow the gap between federal taxes collected and owed, the Biden administration has proposed expanding annual reporting requirements for banks and other financial institutions to include the total amounts of money flowing in and out of all business and personal accounts worth at least $600.

White House and HHS Employees Aren’t ‘Exempt’ from Vaccine Mandate

White House and HHS Employees Aren’t ‘Exempt’ from Vaccine Mandate

While some specifics of President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates haven’t been determined, misleading claims about who will be “exempt” have circulated online. Employees at the White House and in agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services are subject to Biden’s executive order requiring federal employees to be vaccinated.

Basketball Star Bradley Beal’s Misleading Comments About COVID-19

Basketball Star Bradley Beal’s Misleading Comments About COVID-19

NBA star Bradley Beal made some misleading comments — shared in viral video clips — about the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines. No vaccine is 100% effective, but clinical trials and studies show the COVID-19 vaccines are very effective at preventing illness, particularly serious illness, including for those previously infected, such as Beal.

Trump Rejected Generals’ Advice, Too

Trump Rejected Generals’ Advice, Too

Rep. Mike Rogers, the ranking Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, said congressional testimony this week showed that President Joe Biden ignored the advice of top generals about what to do in Afghanistan while former President Donald Trump “did listen to it.” That’s not entirely accurate.

Generals Contradict Biden on Afghanistan Advice

Generals Contradict Biden on Afghanistan Advice

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Gen. Mark Milley and Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, commander of U.S. Central Command, contradicted President Joe Biden’s claim last month that top military advisers didn’t recommend keeping a residual force in Afghanistan. 

Ads Distort How Much Biden’s Tax Plans Could Cost ‘Your Family’

Ads Distort How Much Biden’s Tax Plans Could Cost ‘Your Family’

The 2022 budget proposed by President Joe Biden would redistribute income, hitting high-income earners with tax increases and providing refundable tax credits to low- and middle-income Americans. Ads from the conservative Club for Growth targeting nine vulnerable Democrats and one centrist Republican in the House, however, distort the impact of the Biden plan on taxpayers.

Posts Spread Dubious Claim About Ivermectin and Male Fertility

Posts Spread Dubious Claim About Ivermectin and Male Fertility

The Food and Drug Administration says male infertility is not a known side effect of the antiparasitic medication ivermectin. Dubious claims that the drug sterilizes 85% of male users were incorrectly attributed to a questionable 2011 study of the drug’s effect on a small sample of Nigerian men with onchocerciasis, a tropical disease also known as “river blindness.”

Debt Limit Q&A

Debt Limit Q&A

Democrats and Republicans are once again in a standoff over a looming debt limit crisis. Congress must raise or suspend the limit on federal borrowing soon or the U.S. government won’t be able to pay its bills. Here we provide the facts on the political dispute.