In this video, and Univision Noticias teamed up to debunk misleading statements spread by Fox News host Tucker Carlson about the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
FactChecking Biden’s Town Hall
Colin Powell’s COVID-19 Death Followed Cancer Diagnosis, Treatment
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell died from complications of COVID-19. Although he was fully vaccinated, he was also 84 years old and was a cancer patient who had undergone treatment for multiple myeloma — factors that put him at higher risk of a serious breakthrough illness. His death does not mean the COVID-19 vaccines don’t work, as many social media posts suggest.
Trump and Son Whitewash Vaccine Willingness Before Biden
Already Had COVID-19? Vaccines Boost Immunity, Not ‘Wipe Out’ Antibodies
U.S. Is Sending Aid to Independent Groups in Afghanistan, Not the Taliban
The U.S. is providing humanitarian aid through several independent organizations in Afghanistan, but not through the Taliban government. Yet an online article falsely claims that the Biden administration will “send the Taliban millions in US dollars,” and repeats a debunked claim about the cost of U.S. military weapons left after the U.S. withdrawal.
PhRMA Ad Misleads on Medicare Drug Negotiation Legislation
The COVID-19 Recession Officially Ended Before Biden Took Office
Merck, Pfizer COVID-19 Antivirals Different From Ivermectin
Merck and Pfizer are each developing a new oral antiviral drug that might prevent or treat COVID-19. The pills are very different from the antiparasitic medication ivermectin, contrary to claims online that they are “suspiciously similar” or that the companies are “repackaging” ivermectin in a ploy to increase profits.