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Trump Takes More Undue Credit

Trump Takes More Undue Credit

President Donald Trump wrongly boasted that Toyota’s plan to invest over $1 billion in its largest manufacturing plant in Kentucky would “not have been made if we didn’t win the election.” A Toyota spokesman told us the car company had long been planning to make the investment.

Trump Didn’t Increase Social Security

Trump Didn’t Increase Social Security

Q: Did President Trump increase monthly payments to Social Security beneficiaries?

A: No. Trump had nothing to do with the automatic cost-of-living increases for 2017, which were announced by the Social Security Administration last October.

Video: Trump’s Line on Syria

Video: Trump’s Line on Syria

In this video, CNN’s Jake Tapper looks at President Donald Trump’s recent criticism of President Barack Obama’s response in 2013 to a chemical weapons attack in Syria.

McConnell Revises History on Syria

McConnell Revises History on Syria

Sen. Mitch McConnell revised history when explaining why he supported President Trump’s missile strike on Syria but opposed President Obama’s call for a targeted strike against Syria after a chemical weapons incident in 2013.

Trump’s Line on Syria

Trump’s Line on Syria

President Donald Trump said the Obama administration “had a great opportunity to solve” the crisis in Syria when Obama set a “red line” for military intervention. But when Obama didn’t launch such intervention, “I think that set us back a long ways,” Trump said. However, Trump ignores his repeated calls at the time to “not attack Syria.”

Trump Distorts Stimulus

Trump Distorts Stimulus

While calling for new infrastructure investments, President Trump distorted the facts about President Obama’s 2009 stimulus bill. Trump described it as an “infrastructure bill” but “[n]obody ever saw anything being built” and most of the money was used on “social programs.”

Partisan Spin on Gorsuch Vote

Partisan Spin on Gorsuch Vote

As the Senate considers Judge Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court, senators on both sides have engaged in partisan spin over the number of votes required to approve his nomination.

Misrepresenting Stone’s Prescience

Misrepresenting Stone’s Prescience

Rep. Adam Schiff laid out a series of “coincidences” to build a circumstantial case that President Trump’s campaign associates may have colluded with the Russians during the 2016 presidential campaign. But one of his “coincidences” is not an established fact.

Trump’s Job Boast

Trump’s Job Boast

President Donald Trump boasted that Charter Communications “has just committed to investing $25 billion” and creating 20,000 jobs in the U.S. But Charter’s plans to add 20,000 jobs have been in the works for nearly two years.

GOP’s Obamacare Obituary: Premature

GOP’s Obamacare Obituary: Premature

Republicans repeatedly claim that Obamacare is in a “death spiral,” collapsing of its own weight. This is wishful thinking on their part, with little evidence to support it.