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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

‘Death Tax’ Talking Point Won’t Die

‘Death Tax’ Talking Point Won’t Die

In calling for the repeal of the estate tax, President Donald Trump repeated a popular myth that a farmer’s heirs often have to “sell the farm” in order to pay the tax. In fact, less than 1 percent of the heirs of farm owners are expected to have to pay any estate tax.

World Opinion of Trump and U.S.

World Opinion of Trump and U.S.

At a campaign rally in Alabama, President Donald Trump said “the world is starting to respect the United States of America again.” Surveys suggest otherwise.

Revisiting Trump’s Wiretap Tweets

Revisiting Trump’s Wiretap Tweets

CNN’s report that federal investigators “wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort” has prompted some readers to ask why we don’t “correct” our March 6 article “Examining Trump’s Wiretap Claim.” Simply put, there is nothing to correct at this time.

The Preexisting Conditions Debate, Again

The Preexisting Conditions Debate, Again

Republicans and Democrats are making competing claims on whether the latest GOP effort to repeal the ACA continues to protect those with preexisting medical conditions. Under the Graham-Cassidy bill, insurers couldn’t refuse to sell policies, but they could price plans based on health status in states that allowed it.

Video: Trump’s Job Boast

Video: Trump’s Job Boast

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper and FactCheck.org highlight a claim that President Donald Trump made about the nation’s job growth.

Trump’s U.N. Speech

Trump’s U.N. Speech

The president made misleading boasts about his record on the economy and foreign issues.

Trump’s Tax Plan and ‘the Rich’

Trump’s Tax Plan and ‘the Rich’

In promoting his plan to overhaul of the nation’s tax system, President Donald Trump claimed “the rich will not be gaining at all with this plan.” But the tax proposal his administration outlined in April would heavily benefit high-income taxpayers, and Trump hasn’t revealed any changes to it.

Kobach’s Bogus ‘Proof’ of Voter Fraud

Kobach’s Bogus ‘Proof’ of Voter Fraud

Kris Kobach, vice chairman of the Presidential Commission on Election Integrity, claims to have “proof” of voter fraud in New Hampshire that may have swung a U.S. Senate election in favor of the Democrats. He doesn’t.

Video: Trump, Sessions on DACA

Video: Trump, Sessions on DACA

In this week’s video with FactCheck.org, CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews how President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions characterize the Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals program.

Who Benefits From Corporate Tax Cut?

Who Benefits From Corporate Tax Cut?

In advocating for a corporate tax cut, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin overstates the consensus when he says “most economists believe that over 70 percent of corporate taxes are paid for by the workers.”