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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

No Stimulus Check

No Stimulus Check

Q: Is President Trump giving $612 to all working Americans and their families?
A: No. That claim originated from a satirical website.

Trump’s Defense Increase ‘Historic’?

Trump’s Defense Increase ‘Historic’?

President Donald Trump told the nation’s governors that his first budget would include “a historic increase in defense spending.” But defense experts say that’s not the case.

DNC Chair on Trump and Overtime Pay

DNC Chair on Trump and Overtime Pay

New Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez distorted the facts with his claim that President Trump “wants to eliminate overtime pay for people.”

FactChecking Trump’s CPAC Speech

FactChecking Trump’s CPAC Speech

President Donald Trump made a triumphant return to the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, where he made a lot of the same false and misleading claims we’ve been fact-checking for months.

Terrorism and Trump’s Travel Ban

Terrorism and Trump’s Travel Ban

Stephen Miller, a senior White House policy adviser, claimed that 72 people from the seven countries covered by President Trump’s 90-day travel ban “have been implicated in terroristic activity in the United States” since the 9/11 attacks. That’s a gross exaggeration.

Trump Official’s Misplaced Gitmo Blame

Trump Official’s Misplaced Gitmo Blame

Sebastian Gorka, a deputy assistant to President Donald Trump, botched two facts when speaking on Fox News about a released Guantanamo Bay detainee responsible for a recent suicide bombing in Iraq.

Bogus Visa Waiver Stories

Bogus Visa Waiver Stories

Q: Did President Trump sign an executive order allowing foreign nationals from various countries to enter the U.S. without a visa?

A: No. That bogus claim was made in a series of articles published by fake news websites.

Trump Exaggerates Swedish Crime

Trump Exaggerates Swedish Crime

Swedish authorities and criminologists say President Donald Trump is exaggerating crime in Sweden as a result of its liberal policy of accepting refugees from Syria and other Middle Eastern countries.

Video: Trump statements on Flynn

Video: Trump statements on Flynn

This week Jake Tapper and FactCheck.org take a look at President Donald Trump’s misleading statements on the resignation of Michael Flynn and the events leading up to it.