President Trump said there has been a “tremendous” increase in autism in children. There has been an increase in reported cases, but scientists don’t know if this is due to a broadening of the disorder’s definition and greater efforts in diagnosis.
President Donald Trump offered his spin on the first weeks of his administration, and made some familiar false claims, during his Feb. 16 press conference.
White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller doubled down on President Trump’s unsupported claim that thousands of voters were bused in from Massachusetts to vote illegally in New Hampshire.
In a pre-Super Bowl interview on Fox, President Donald Trump claimed sanctuary cities “breed crime.” But limited research on the effect of such policies has found no evidence that they lead to overall increases in crime rates.
President Donald Trump falsely claimed a Democratic senator “misrepresents” a conversation that the senator had with Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Neil Gorsuch. In fact, Gorsuch’s spokesman confirmed the senator’s account.
At a military base in Florida, President Donald Trump complained that “radical Islamic” terrorist attacks are “not even being reported” by the “very, very dishonest press.” That’s nonsense.
It’s Groundhog Day all right. But instead of seeing our shadows, we noticed politicians making some of the same false and misleading claims that we have written about several times before.