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Donald Trump and the Iraq War

Donald Trump and the Iraq War

Donald Trump has repeated throughout his presidential campaign that he opposed the Iraq war before the March 19, 2003 invasion. But there’s no evidence of that. Here’s a timeline of statements Trump made in 2002 and 2003 about the war.

Cruz Distorts Rubio’s Stance on Gay Marriage

Cruz Distorts Rubio’s Stance on Gay Marriage

Sen. Ted Cruz goes too far when he claims Sen. Marco Rubio and Donald Trump are “repeating Barack Obama’s talking points” on the Supreme Court’s gay marriage ruling.

FactChecking the Ninth GOP Debate

FactChecking the Ninth GOP Debate

Six remaining Republican candidates misrepresent the facts on the Supreme Court, immigration, abortion and other issues.

Video: Trump on Unemployment

Video: Trump on Unemployment

This week, CNN’s Jake Tapper, in collaboration with FactCheck.org, examines Donald Trump’s claim that he “heard” that the unemployment rate is 42 percent.

Trump Wildly Inflates Unemployment

Trump Wildly Inflates Unemployment

Donald Trump said he “heard” the unemployment rate was really 42 percent. It’s not. That figure would include retirees, teenagers, stay-at-home parents and anyone else who doesn’t need or want to work.

Trump Off-Base on Cruz Loan Rates

Trump Off-Base on Cruz Loan Rates

Donald Trump claimed that the loan rates Sen. Ted Cruz received during his 2012 Senate run were “lower than you could get, lower than anybody could get.” In fact, the evidence shows the interest rates Cruz reported were attainable at the time.

Trump vs. Clinton

Trump vs. Clinton

Donald Trump said he can beat Hillary Clinton in November, citing “so many” polls that show “we beat her and we beat her easily.” In fact, only four of 40 polls listed on Real Clear Politics show Trump beating Clinton — none easily.

Trump Retweets Bogus Fox Graphic

Trump Retweets Bogus Fox Graphic

Republican front-runner Donald Trump retweeted a bogus graphic that purports to show Fox News host Megyn Kelly posing with Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal and his sister. The image is fake.

Trump Overstates Cruz Challenges

Trump Overstates Cruz Challenges

Donald Trump claims Illinois is “very seriously” looking at Sen. Ted Cruz’s eligibility to run for president and “may not even let him run.” That’s misleading.