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Posts Make Baseless Claim About Net Worth of Ocasio-Cortez

Posts Make Baseless Claim About Net Worth of Ocasio-Cortez

Democratic U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York reported having $60,000 at most in bank accounts and other savings and as much as $50,000 in student loan debt in her 2023 financial disclosure report. But social media posts baselessly claim that since becoming a member of Congress, she is “a verified multi-millionaire.”

Role of Illinois Circuit Court Judge Misrepresented in Post About Trump’s Removal from Ballot

Role of Illinois Circuit Court Judge Misrepresented in Post About Trump’s Removal from Ballot

The Supreme Court ruled that states may not remove former President Donald Trump from primary ballots based on the Constitution’s insurrection clause. A few days before the ruling, an Instagram post claimed a “traffic court judge” had ruled Trump shouldn’t appear on Illinois’ ballot — misrepresenting Tracie Porter’s role as an Illinois circuit court judge.

Trump Repeats Many Claims in Fox News Town Hall

Trump Repeats Many Claims in Fox News Town Hall

In a Feb. 20 town hall in South Carolina that aired on Fox News, days before the state’s Republican primary, former President Donald Trump repeated several false and misleading claims we’ve fact-checked before.

Haley’s Ad Misleads About Trump’s Proposed Tariffs

Haley’s Ad Misleads About Trump’s Proposed Tariffs

As former President Donald Trump campaigns on the exaggerated claim to being the largest tax cutter in U.S. history, the latest ad from Nikki Haley’s campaign misleadingly claims Trump now favors “a 10% across the board tax increase.”

Trump’s Distorted NATO ‘Delinquent’ Comments

Trump’s Distorted NATO ‘Delinquent’ Comments

Donald Trump said that when he was president, he told the leader of a large NATO country that if the country was “delinquent” in its payments to NATO and Russia attacked it, “I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want.” Trump has long mischaracterized what he calls “delinquent” payments.

Biden’s Job Growth Chart Ignores Impact of Pandemic

Biden’s Job Growth Chart Ignores Impact of Pandemic

Since President Joe Biden took office, the economy has added nearly 14.8 million jobs, 5.4 million more than the pre-pandemic peak in early 2020. All told, it’s an average monthly job growth of more than 400,000. But Biden misleadingly contrasts that with a loss of jobs under former President Donald Trump — a loss that occurred because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Unraveling Misinformation About Bipartisan Immigration Bill

Unraveling Misinformation About Bipartisan Immigration Bill

Even before a bipartisan group of senators unveiled the text of a foreign aid and immigration overhaul bill on Feb. 4, it faced significant opposition from former President Donald Trump and other Republican leaders. We’ll explain what was in the legislation and the facts on two popular talking points.