President Donald Trump has repeatedly questioned the economics of wind energy, saying that wind “doesn’t work” without subsidies. Experts have differing assessments of that. By some metrics, wind power is already competitive with fossil fuels without subsidies. But other measures don’t come to the same conclusion.
Person: Donald Trump
Citizenship, the Census and Obama
Gillibrand Attacks Trump on Manufacturing Jobs
Trump’s Numbers July 2019 Update
Trump Twists Facts in Environmental Speech
Bogus Photo Combines Trump, Epstein Images
Biden’s Stretch on Intellectual Property Theft
Trump Retweets Made-up Reagan Quote
Trump on ‘Unfair’ U.S.-Japan Security Treaty
No Evidence Kim Jong Un Rebuffed Obama’s ‘Begging’
Prior to his historic meeting with Kim Jong Un in North Korea, President Donald Trump made the unfounded claim that Barack Obama tried many times to meet with Kim, but was rebuffed. Obama administration officials and experts on U.S.-North Korea relations say that’s not true, and Trump offered no evidence to back up his claim.