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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

The Great Premium Debate Continues

The Great Premium Debate Continues

Rep. Michele Bachmann wrongly claims that we’re seeing “huge increases” in employer-sponsored plans, while President Obama touts historically low health care inflation, which experts say is mainly due to the slow economy, not the health care law.

Obama’s Immigration Amnesia

Obama’s Immigration Amnesia

President Barack Obama tried to rewrite history by claiming that his position had not changed regarding legal authority for executive orders on immigration that he is now considering.

No ‘New World Order’

No ‘New World Order’

Q: Did President Obama call for a “new world order” in a speech in Europe?
A: No. Video of Obama’s speech was edited to change the meaning of what he said.

NRSC Distorts Braley Tax Record

NRSC Distorts Braley Tax Record

In Iowa, a Republican ad claims that Democratic Senate nominee Bruce Braley “voted to raise taxes on every single Iowa taxpayer.” That badly distorts Braley’s clearly stated position.

Obama Fumbles ‘JV Team’ Question

Obama Fumbles ‘JV Team’ Question

President Obama enjoys his sports analogies, so let’s just say that he fumbled when he was asked whether he made a “misjudgment” eight months ago in dismissing the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria as the equivalent of “a jayvee team.”

Presidential Vacations

Presidential Vacations

Q: Is it true that George W. Bush took more vacation days than Barack Obama?
A: Yes. Before his two-week trip to Martha’s Vineyard in August, Obama’s count was 125 full or partial days and Bush’s total at the same point in his presidency was 407.

Surge of ‘Unaccompanied Children’

Surge of ‘Unaccompanied Children’

Q: Did the Obama administration advertise in January to transport 65,000 foreign children apprehended at the border? Did it expect a surge of illegal immigration?
A: Yes. There’s been a sharp increase in unaccompanied children from Central America since FY 2012, and the U.S. projected a bigger increase this year.

Obama and Executive Overreach

Obama and Executive Overreach

The issue of executive overreach from President Obama was debated on “Fox News Sunday,” but on two issues, the rhetoric outpaced the facts.