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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Spinning Statistics on School Shootings

Spinning Statistics on School Shootings

Q: Have there been 74 school shootings since the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting in Connecticut?
A: No. The group making this claim uses a broad definition that more than doubles the number of school shootings.

Did Obama Declare Terrorist Threat ‘Gone’?

Did Obama Declare Terrorist Threat ‘Gone’?

In an interview on Fox News, former Vice President Dick Cheney went too far with his claim that President Obama “has stated repeatedly the terrorist threat is gone.”

Sorting Murky Issues on the POW Swap

Sorting Murky Issues on the POW Swap

A lot of gray area surrounds the political rhetoric about the White House’s decision to swap Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl for five Taliban figures detained at Guantanamo.

Cheney’s Misguided Missile Attack

Cheney’s Misguided Missile Attack

Dick Cheney says President Obama scrapped the Bush administration’s missile defense system in Europe “at the mere request” of Russian President Vladimir Putin. That’s false.

Fast-Food Fortune Teller

Fast-Food Fortune Teller

You don’t need a fortune teller to know that a business-backed group is twisting its cherry-picked facts in its latest ad attacking any increase in the federal minimum wage. Listen for the tip-off phrase: “up to.”

Playing Politics with the Pay Gap

Playing Politics with the Pay Gap

Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn took a page from Democrats when she wrongly claimed that “the White House [is] paying women 88 cents for every dollar that a guy earns in comparable positions.” That’s not a comparison of “comparable positions.”

Obamacare Ad Onslaught

Obamacare Ad Onslaught

It has been a campaign tradition: Election cycles filled with ads about the Affordable Care Act — and overwhelmingly ads attacking the law and those who support it. The 2014 midterm election could be even more intense.

Obama’s Numbers (April 2014 Update)

Obama’s Numbers (April 2014 Update)

Our statistical indicators include record corporate profits and millions flocking to Obamacare, along with stagnant wages and a doubled debt.

Not ‘Everybody’ Is Covered Under ACA

Not ‘Everybody’ Is Covered Under ACA

President Obama went too far in saying the Affordable Care Act meant “everybody” would have “basic health care.” The law doesn’t create a universal health care system, and not everyone will have insurance.