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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Romney’s Reach on World Opinion of U.S.

Romney’s Reach on World Opinion of U.S.

Mitt Romney said he couldn’t think of a single “major country” that “has greater respect and admiration for America today than it did five years ago when Barack Obama became president.”

FactChecking Sarah Palin at CPAC

FactChecking Sarah Palin at CPAC

Sarah Palin told her fellow conservatives at CPAC that “there are more uninsured today than when Obama began all of this,” referring to the Affordable Care Act. But there is no evidence of that.

Pipeline Primer

Pipeline Primer

The Keystone XL project: We examine the facts about jobs, spills, climate change and gasoline prices.

More Than 9 Million Newly Insured

More Than 9 Million Newly Insured

Top Democrats, including President Obama, have credited the Affordable Care Act for more than 9 million Americans obtaining health insurance. But that’s an exaggerated figure that includes individuals who renewed Medicaid coverage and others who switched insurance to plans on the exchanges.

Facts of the Union

Facts of the Union

We found a few overstatements and cherry-picked numbers among the applause lines and proposals in President Obama’s State of the Union address.

IRS, Benghazi and Accountability

IRS, Benghazi and Accountability

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani praised New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie for holding “people accountable who were responsible” for the “stupid” bridge lane closings — adding that’s something President Barack Obama “failed to do with Benghazi” and “failed to do with the IRS.”

Obama’s Numbers (January 2014 Update)

Obama’s Numbers (January 2014 Update)

Latest statistics show stagnant wages, persistent long-term joblessness, soaring profits and stock prices, and moderating health care spending.

Whoppers of 2013

Whoppers of 2013

It’s that time of year again when we look back — perhaps not so fondly — on the most noteworthy nonsense from the past 12 months.

Rand Paul, Obama & Black Unemployment

Rand Paul, Obama & Black Unemployment

Sen. Rand Paul says “black unemployment in America is double white unemployment” and “hasn’t budged” under President Obama. Actually, the black unemployment rate is lower now than when Obama took office, and the gap between the races is below the historical average.