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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Obama Overpromises on Premiums

Obama Overpromises on Premiums

President Obama claimed that all of the currently uninsured would be able to get coverage on the exchanges “at a significantly cheaper rate than what they can get right now on the individual market” even without federal tax credits.

Deficits Falling (From Way Up)

Deficits Falling (From Way Up)

In recent speeches, President Obama has repeatedly claimed that “our deficits are falling at the fastest rate in 60 years.” That’s not true.

Obama Overhypes Health Savings

Obama Overhypes Health Savings

President Barack Obama presented a glowing but incomplete view of how much Americans can save on premiums thanks to the Affordable Care Act.

Obama’s Numbers: July Update

Obama’s Numbers: July Update

This is another in our series of regular quarterly updates of key statistical indicators of the Obama presidency. Our intent is to provide accurate measures of what’s changed — for better or worse — since Obama first took office in January 2009.

Spinning Obama’s Climate Change Plan

Spinning Obama’s Climate Change Plan

Rep. Eric Cantor said Americans are increasingly “losing faith in their economy.” Obama said that “since 2006, no country on Earth has reduced its total carbon pollution by as much as the United States of America.”

Obama’s Judicial Juggling

Obama’s Judicial Juggling

President Obama incorrectly claims that the Senate has taken three times longer to confirm his court nominees than those of his predecessor, George W. Bush.

IRS Not So ‘Independent’

IRS Not So ‘Independent’

The Internal Revenue Service is not exactly an “independent agency,” as President Obama claimed during a May 13 press conference. In fact, it is a bureau of the Treasury Department, an executive agency within the federal government.

Benghazi Attack, Revisited

Benghazi Attack, Revisited

President Obama says the May 8 House hearing on Benghazi and subsequent reporting about it produced no new information. That’s largely the case, but the president misrepresented some facts at his May 13 press conference in dismissing the House investigation as a “political circus.”

McCain’s Gitmo Exaggeration

McCain’s Gitmo Exaggeration

Sen. John McCain exaggerated when he claimed that about 25 percent of prisoners released from Guantanamo have returned to terrorist activities in “leadership positions.”