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Clinton’s Exaggerated Wall Street Claim

Clinton’s Exaggerated Wall Street Claim

Hillary Clinton exaggerated when she claimed Bernie Sanders “took about $200,000 from Wall Street firms” through the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. The DSCC did provide about $200,000 to support Sanders’ 2006 Senate race, but a small percentage of its contributions came from “Wall Street.”

Sanders’ Deceptive Endorsement Ad

Sanders’ Deceptive Endorsement Ad

The Bernie Sanders campaign misappropriates the credibility of two New Hampshire newspapers in a new TV ad on endorsements.

Video: FactChecking Trump and Clinton

Video: FactChecking Trump and Clinton

This week’s fact-checking video from CNN’s Jake Tapper focuses on two claims: one made by Donald Trump and one made by Chelsea Clinton.

Clinton’s Attack on Sanders’ Health Plan

Clinton’s Attack on Sanders’ Health Plan

The Clinton campaign has made a series of misleading attacks on Sen. Bernie Sanders’ health care plan, saying he wants to “dismantle Medicare” and private insurance and that he would turn over “your and my health insurance to governors.” Not exactly.

Sanders’ Wealth Inequality Stat

Sanders’ Wealth Inequality Stat

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders says that “the 20 richest people in our country own more wealth than the bottom half of the American population — 150 million people.” We explain that statistic.

The Whoppers of 2015

FactCheck.org Director Eugene Kiely appeared on CBS’ “This Morning” to discuss our annual article on some of the biggest political whoppers of the year.