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Video: The Biden-Sanders Debate

Video: The Biden-Sanders Debate

In this video, we review three claims from the first head-to-head presidential primary debate between former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders.

FactChecking the March Democratic Debate

FactChecking the March Democratic Debate

While debating 6 feet apart due to the coronavirus outbreak, the two leading contenders offered competing versions of the facts on several key issues.

Sanders Twists Trump’s Words on Coronavirus/Work

Sanders Twists Trump’s Words on Coronavirus/Work

Sen. Bernie Sanders wrongly claimed President Donald Trump said if people have symptoms of the new coronavirus infection, “doesn’t matter, go to work.” That’s not what the president said.

Carter Hasn’t Endorsed in 2020 Primary

Carter Hasn’t Endorsed in 2020 Primary

A popular blog post being shared on Facebook falsely claims that former President Jimmy Carter has endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders for president. The post was lifted — almost verbatim — from an old story about Carter’s support for Sanders’ 2016 bid.

Viral Posts Misrepresent California Primary Results

Viral Posts Misrepresent California Primary Results

Viral posts falsely claim President Donald Trump received more votes in the California primary than the top two Democratic candidates combined. Unofficial totals show that Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Vice President Joe Biden received 1,842,471 votes; Trump received 1,486,415.

Anti-Sanders Ad Misleads on ‘Toxic Waste’ Site

Anti-Sanders Ad Misleads on ‘Toxic Waste’ Site

An ad misleads when it claims that Sen. Bernie Sanders “helped turn neighborhoods like ours into a toxic waste dumping ground.” Sanders did support a bill that could have resulted in nuclear waste being placed near a poor, minority town in Texas, but the state ultimately rejected that location.

Meme Miscounts Sanders’ Nevada Caucuses Win

Meme Miscounts Sanders’ Nevada Caucuses Win

A viral meme falsely claims that Sen. Bernie Sanders received only 3,444 votes in the Nevada caucuses. He actually won 41,075 votes — more than twice as many as any other Democratic candidate.