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Posts Falsely Push Bill Gates-Connected ‘Air’ Vaccine Conspiracy

Posts Falsely Push Bill Gates-Connected ‘Air’ Vaccine Conspiracy

Inhalable or spray versions of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are still in development and don’t have regulatory approval. Posts online are distorting recent research from Yale University to falsely claim that governments have approved such products to mass vaccinate people without their consent in a plot involving Bill Gates.

U.S.-Acquired Malaria Cases Spark False Claims of Links to Gates-Funded Research

U.S.-Acquired Malaria Cases Spark False Claims of Links to Gates-Funded Research

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation supports research into fighting malaria, including funding a company that releases genetically modified mosquitoes that are incapable of carrying the disease. But reports of locally acquired cases of malaria in the U.S. have sparked social media posts that baselessly suggest Gates was behind the recent outbreak.

Posts Fabricate Charge Against Bill Gates in Philippines

Posts Fabricate Charge Against Bill Gates in Philippines

Social media posts make the unfounded claim that the Heinous Crimes Court in the Philippines issued a warrant for Bill Gates’ arrest for “‘premeditated murder’ linked to vaccine roll out.” That court no longer exists, and a spokesperson for Gates told us there is no warrant for his arrest.

Gates’ Investment in Startup Firm Is Not Related to Baby Formula Shortage

Gates’ Investment in Startup Firm Is Not Related to Baby Formula Shortage

A fund backed by Bill Gates has invested in a startup working to develop lab-manufactured breast milk, but it won’t reach the market for several years. Yet, social media posts make baseless claims that Gates is behind the current baby formula shortage — which stems from supply-chain issues and the shutdown at a major manufacturing plant.

Unfounded Claims About Frequency and Causes of Food Plant Fires

Unfounded Claims About Frequency and Causes of Food Plant Fires

Data on the number fires at food-processing plants in 2022 “does not signal anything out of the ordinary,” according to the National Fire Protection Association. Despite no evidence of foul play, unfounded rumors from conservative pundits suggest a rash of “mysterious fires” may be part of a plan to disrupt the food supply.

Video Targets Gates With Old Clip, Misleading Edit

Video Targets Gates With Old Clip, Misleading Edit

In a 2010 TED Talk focused on developing new technologies to drastically reduce carbon dioxide emissions, Bill Gates briefly mentioned reducing the rate of population growth. A conspiratorial video circulating on Facebook misleadingly edits Gates’ talk to suggest his “wish” was to depopulate the planet through vaccines.

Facebook Posts Distort Facts on Trump Actions

Facebook Posts Distort Facts on Trump Actions

Facebook posts credit President Donald Trump with accomplishing a list of things that haven’t happened — claiming, for example, that he “cancelled” a proposed House bill on contact tracing and “expelled WHO.”

Fauci Didn’t Invent, Won’t Profit from Remdesivir

Fauci Didn’t Invent, Won’t Profit from Remdesivir

A viral social media post falsely claims Dr. Anthony Fauci is “pushing” remdesivir as a potential COVID-19 treatment drug, because he “invented” it with Bill Gates and they stand to profit from it. Remdesivir was invented by the pharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences, which receives any profit from sales of the drug as a treatment for COVID-19.

False Claim Targets Gates Using Epstein Connection

False Claim Targets Gates Using Epstein Connection

There’s no evidence that Bill Gates ever visited Jeffrey Epstein’s private island in the Caribbean, contrary to a viral Facebook post claiming he went there numerous times. The “flight records” cited do not show that.