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Falsehoods About Ford

Falsehoods About Ford

In the days after Christine Blasey Ford came forward to describe an alleged sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh when they were teenagers, a series of falsehoods about the woman circulated online, questioning her credibility and motives.

Baseless Claim Tells of Gorsuch Accusation

Baseless Claim Tells of Gorsuch Accusation

Q: Did Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, make similar allegations against Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch?

A: No. There’s no evidence for that rumor, which has been spread on conservative websites. 

Meme Misidentifies Stock Image as Kavanaugh Accuser

Meme Misidentifies Stock Image as Kavanaugh Accuser

Q: Is the woman shown in a viral meme holding a “not my president” sign Christine Blasey Ford?

A: No. The photo being circulated is available for purchase on stock image websites. There is no evidence it is Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser.

False Claims About Kavanaugh’s Mom and Foreclosure

False Claims About Kavanaugh’s Mom and Foreclosure

Q: Is Christine Blasey Ford accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault as retribution for her parents’ foreclosure case in the 1990s?

A: There is no evidence to support that claim, and her parents still live in that house.

Kavanaugh Files: Abortion Rights

Kavanaugh Files: Abortion Rights

Advocates for abortion rights are concerned that Judge Brett Kavanaugh could become the deciding vote in a future case to potentially overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that recognized a woman’s right to an abortion. We review the specific points raised by the Democrats and the facts in each case.

Kavanaugh File: Executive Privilege

Kavanaugh File: Executive Privilege

With Trump campaign officials under investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller for possible collusion with Russia to unduly influence the 2016 campaign, some Democratic senators have expressed concern that Kavanaugh was hand-picked by Trump in the event that Mueller enters an indictment against the president.

Kavanaugh Files: Second Amendment

Kavanaugh Files: Second Amendment

Democrats have described Brett Kavanaugh as “a true Second Amendment radical” who is “far outside the mainstream of legal thought” — more conservative than the late Justice Antonin Scalia. The criticism stems from Kavanaugh’s dissent in a 2011 appeals court ruling that upheld the District of Columbia’s law banning semi-automatic rifles. We take a look at the facts.

Kavanaugh Files: The Affordable Care Act

Kavanaugh Files: The Affordable Care Act

Several Democratic senators have claimed that Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh’s history shows he would be a danger on the court to the Affordable Care Act. We examine Kavanaugh’s dissents in cases involving the ACA.

Kavanaugh and the Preexisting Conditions Debate

Kavanaugh and the Preexisting Conditions Debate

An ad from a Democratic group warned that the president’s Supreme Court nominee could eliminate preexisting condition protections under the Affordable Care Act, a move that “would take us back to a time when insurance companies could deny you coverage.” But that depends on who “you” are.