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Will Trump’s Wall Pay for Itself?

Will Trump’s Wall Pay for Itself?

President Donald Trump cited a contested report from an organization that advocates low immigration to claim that a wall along the southern border will pay for itself, because those stopped from illegally crossing would not be a burden on taxpayers.

Trump’s Canadian Trade Tale

Trump’s Canadian Trade Tale

In making his case for renegotiating NAFTA, President Donald Trump told GOP donors that the U.S. has a trade surplus with Canada — but only because the trade balance “doesn’t include energy and timber.” That’s false.

Trump Misses with Mars Attack

Trump Misses with Mars Attack

During the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton said that one of her goals as president would be to “make human exploration of Mars a reality.” Nevertheless, President Donald Trump mistakenly claimed that NASA “wouldn’t even be thinking about” going to Mars if Clinton had been elected.

Trump and the Veterans Choice Program

Trump and the Veterans Choice Program

Q:  Did President Donald Trump sign an order allowing veterans to get full medical bills paid at hospitals outside the VA?

A: No, but Trump has continued a program that allows some veterans to seek outside care.

FactChecking Trump’s MAGA Rally

FactChecking Trump’s MAGA Rally

In a campaign speech supporting the Republican candidate in a special House election in Pennsylvania’s 18th District, President Donald Trump made several false and misleading statements on a range of topics, from drug smuggling to the stock market.

The Facts on Media Violence

The Facts on Media Violence

In the wake of the Florida school shooting, politicians have raised concern over the influence of violent video games and films on young people. Scientists still debate the issue, but the majority of studies show that extensive exposure media violence is a risk factor for aggressive thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

Trump’s Trade Mistweet

Trump’s Trade Mistweet

President Donald Trump claimed the U.S. has “large trade deficits with Mexico and Canada,” which isn’t accurate. The U.S. actually runs a small trade surplus with Canada, and the deficit with Mexico isn’t all that large, relatively speaking.

Trump’s Bogus Embassy Boast

Trump’s Bogus Embassy Boast

President Donald Trump often likes to boast about his ability to negotiate better deals for the government. This week, the boast was the cost of a new embassy in Jerusalem, and it was a doozy.

Video: Gun Violence

Video: Gun Violence

In this video, CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews claims made by members of both parties about gun violence in the U.S. 

Trump’s Misleading Gun Rhetoric

Trump’s Misleading Gun Rhetoric

In a bipartisan meeting with members of Congress, President Donald Trump made false and misleading claims about his predecessors’ actions on gun control legislation and shootings in “gun-free zones.”