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Trump’s Lawyer Spins Russia Facts

Trump’s Lawyer Spins Russia Facts

Jay Sekulow, an attorney on President Donald Trump’s legal team, made the rounds of the Sunday shows to talk about the Russia investigation. But he glossed over relevant facts in defense of his client.

FactChecking Trump on Coal Jobs

FactChecking Trump on Coal Jobs

FactCheck.org Deputy Managing Editor Robert Farley discusses President Donald Trump’s misleading boast that the opening of a new coal mine in Pennsylvania is proof that his administration is “putting the miners back to work.”

Explaining Trump’s Russia Tweets

Explaining Trump’s Russia Tweets

President Donald Trump went on a tweetstorm about the Russia investigation. He accused his vanquished rival Hillary Clinton of obstruction of justice (without any evidence) and blamed others for his firing of FBI Director James Comey (even though Trump said he was planning to fire Comey regardless of any recommendation).

Can Trump Fire Mueller?

Can Trump Fire Mueller?

Q: Can President Donald Trump fire special counsel Robert Mueller?

A: Not directly. Only the deputy attorney general who appointed Mueller can fire him and only for cause. But Trump could fire the DAG, or order the special-counsel regulations repealed and fire Mueller himself.

Schumer Didn’t Resign, Sessions Wasn’t Fired

Schumer Didn’t Resign, Sessions Wasn’t Fired

Q: Did Sen. Chuck Schumer resign? Was Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired? Are the Clintons divorcing? Is Monica Lewinsky dead?

A: No. Each claim was made by the same website that writes “fiction as fact.”

Fake Spicer Quote About ‘Covfefe’

Fake Spicer Quote About ‘Covfefe’

Q: Did White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer say that the president has the “legal right and power to decide how words in the English language are spelled”?

A: No. That bogus quote comes from a “satirical” article about President Donald Trump’s infamous “covfefe” tweet.

Will Paris Have a ‘Tiny’ Effect on Warming?

Will Paris Have a ‘Tiny’ Effect on Warming?

President Donald Trump and his top environmental official said the Paris Agreement would reduce the global average temperature by only 0.2 degrees Celsius. Former Vice President Al Gore said that’s “not true.” Who’s right?

Trump’s Coal Spin

Trump’s Coal Spin

President Donald Trump touted the opening of a new coal mine in Pennsylvania as evidence that his administration is “putting the miners back to work.” But construction of the mine in question began before the 2016 election. And experts say it’s not evidence of a resurgence in coal mining.

The Comey Hearing

The Comey Hearing

After former FBI Director James Comey testified about his private conversations with President Donald Trump regarding the agency’s Russia investigation, the president’s lawyer gave a brief statement that contained inaccurate and disputed claims.