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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Trump’s Misleading Blame on Opioids

Trump’s Misleading Blame on Opioids

President Donald Trump misleadingly cited a 23 percent decline in federal drug prosecutions between 2011 and 2016 to claim that the Obama administration ignored the opioid crisis.

Video: Trump on the RAISE Act

Video: Trump on the RAISE Act

In a segment that aired on several local NBC news stations, FactCheck.org Deputy Managing Editor Robert Farley discussed President Donald Trump’s inaccurate claim that the RAISE Act “prevents … new immigrants from collecting welfare.”

Trump Didn’t Pass Out

Trump Didn’t Pass Out

Q: Did President Donald Trump collapse while giving a speech in New Jersey?

A: No. That story was published by a self-described satirical website.

Video: Trump on Border Apprehensions

Video: Trump on Border Apprehensions

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper and FactCheck.org explain why President Donald Trump was wrong when he said southwest border apprehensions increased under past administrations.

FactChecking Trump’s West Virginia Rally

FactChecking Trump’s West Virginia Rally

At a rally in West Virginia, President Donald Trump falsely claimed that his administration is “bringing back to America” manufacturing jobs “by the hundreds of thousands.”

Trump Didn’t Ignore Disabled Child

Trump Didn’t Ignore Disabled Child

Q: Did President Donald Trump ignore a disabled child who tried to shake his hand?

A: No. A viral video clip omitted Trump’s earlier interaction with the boy.

Subsidies, Not Bailouts

Subsidies, Not Bailouts

President Donald Trump said “bailouts for insurance companies” would “end very soon” if Congress didn’t pass a new health care bill. Sen. Susan Collins said the payments aren’t a bailout, “but rather help people who are very low-income afford their out-of-pocket costs.” Trump distorts the facts.

Trump’s GDP Puffery

Trump’s GDP Puffery

President Donald Trump wrongly described the estimated 2.6 percent growth in the nation’s gross domestic product for the second quarter as “a number that nobody thought they’d see for a long period of time.”

Trump’s Border Boast

Trump’s Border Boast

Boasting about a decline in apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border on his watch, President Donald Trump falsely claimed that border apprehensions “didn’t go down” under “past administrations.” Actually, they declined in 10 of the last 16 fiscal years.