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Trump’s Unfounded Leak Claim

Trump’s Unfounded Leak Claim

President Donald Trump made the unfounded accusation that former FBI Director James Comey illegally “leaked CLASSIFIED INFORMATION to the media.” His claim appears to have been based on a news story that makes no such determination.

Trump Misleads on Russia Hacking

Trump Misleads on Russia Hacking

On the eve of his first meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, President Donald Trump made some questionable claims about the U.S. intelligence community’s finding that Russia hacked into U.S. political organizations to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.

More MS-13 Gang Nonsense

More MS-13 Gang Nonsense

President Donald Trump is once again grossly exaggerating the success of his efforts to deport members of the MS-13, a gang founded by El Salvadoran immigrants.

Twisting the Facts on a Draft Executive Order

Twisting the Facts on a Draft Executive Order

Q: Did President Donald Trump sign an executive order that prevents immigrants living in the U.S. without legal permission from receiving welfare?
A: No. Some bogus websites have twisted the facts about a draft executive order that Trump has not signed.

GOP Medicaid Spin

GOP Medicaid Spin

Republicans are spinning their health care bills’ impact on Medicaid. Sen. Pat Toomey made the questionable claim that under the Senate bill “no one loses coverage” gained under the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion. White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway claimed there “are not cuts to Medicaid” in the bills that reduce future Medicaid spending by hundreds of billions.

Trump’s Private Lawyer Won’t Cost Taxpayers

Trump’s Private Lawyer Won’t Cost Taxpayers

Q: Is President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Marc Kasowitz, “costing taxpayers $10,000 per hour” for his services during the Russia investigation?
A: No. That claim comes from a baseless story on an “entertainment” website that posts satirical stories.

Video: Trump and Coal Jobs

Video: Trump and Coal Jobs

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper discusses President Donald Trump’s remarks at his June 21 Iowa rally about coal mining jobs.

FactChecking Trump’s Iowa Rally

FactChecking Trump’s Iowa Rally

The 2020 presidential campaign is more than 1,200 days away, but President Donald Trump held yet another Make America Great Again rally — this time in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. And, as he did in past campaign speeches, Trump spoke for a long time and reeled off numerous false and misleading claims.

Trump’s Lawyer Spins Russia Facts

Trump’s Lawyer Spins Russia Facts

Jay Sekulow, an attorney on President Donald Trump’s legal team, made the rounds of the Sunday shows to talk about the Russia investigation. But he glossed over relevant facts in defense of his client.

FactChecking Trump on Coal Jobs

FactChecking Trump on Coal Jobs

FactCheck.org Deputy Managing Editor Robert Farley discusses President Donald Trump’s misleading boast that the opening of a new coal mine in Pennsylvania is proof that his administration is “putting the miners back to work.”