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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Our Principles PAC

A super PAC formed by Republicans in January 2016 to thwart Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Trump’s Defense of His ‘University’

Trump’s Defense of His ‘University’

Businessman Donald Trump has made false and misleading claims in response to attacks on “Trump University,” a now defunct program that offered tips on real estate to paying customers.

Trump’s David Duke Amnesia

Trump’s David Duke Amnesia

Asked if he would publicly reject the support of former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke, Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said, “I just don’t know anything about him.” The record proves him wrong.

Trump vs. Veteran Vendors

Trump vs. Veteran Vendors

An ad from a pro-Marco Rubio super PAC claims Donald Trump “bans disabled veterans from his high rise.” But the ad may leave a misleading impression.

FactChecking the 10th GOP Debate

FactChecking the 10th GOP Debate

In a Texas showdown, Republican presidential candidates stretched the truth in the last debate before Super Tuesday.

Still Clubbing Trump on Taxes

Still Clubbing Trump on Taxes

A rereleased TV ad says Donald Trump “supports higher taxes,” even though Trump has issued a tax plan, since the ad originally aired, that would significantly cut taxes for individuals and businesses.

Repeat Debate Claims: GOP Version

Repeat Debate Claims: GOP Version

This video from FlackCheck.org covers some of the claims most often repeated during the Republican presidential debates.

Trump and the Black Vote

Trump and the Black Vote

In boasting of his support among African American voters, Donald Trump made some false and misleading statements.

Videos: FactChecking Cruz and Clinton

Videos: FactChecking Cruz and Clinton

This week, CNN’s Jake Tapper and FactCheck.org bring you two fact-checking videos featuring claims made by Sen. Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton.