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Police Shootings Not at a Record Level

Police Shootings Not at a Record Level

Donald Trump wrongly said that “they’re shooting our police at record levels.” The record for police firearm deaths, and deaths of officers overall, in recent decades was set in the 1970s.

Trump’s Revised 9/11 Claim

Trump’s Revised 9/11 Claim

Donald Trump said that a reporter was “trying to change his story” after writing an article that Trump said supported the discredited claim that Trump watched “thousands and thousands” of people in New Jersey celebrate the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

Groundhog Friday

This week’s wrap-up of repeated claims includes several we heard during the parties’ national conventions.

Kaine vs. Pence on Unemployment

Kaine vs. Pence on Unemployment

Donald Trump ignores prevailing economic trends when he notes that when Tim Kaine was governor of Virginia “unemployment doubled” while under Gov. Mike Pence, Indiana has seen “great job growth.”

Trump’s Faulty ‘Rigged’ Reasoning

Trump’s Faulty ‘Rigged’ Reasoning

Donald Trump said he’s worried about a “rigged” general election, citing “precincts where there were practically nobody voting for the Republican” in 2012. Voting experts said such outcomes in certain urban districts were entirely plausible given the demographics.

Trump Misfires on Debate Claim

Trump Misfires on Debate Claim

Donald Trump made the baseless accusation that the Hillary Clinton campaign was plotting to schedule two of three presidential debates on nights with NFL football games. The dates were set by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates last September.

Video: FactChecking Clinton’s Speech

Video: FactChecking Clinton’s Speech

The last of our daily fact-checking videos from the political conventions focuses on Hillary Clinton’s speech accepting the Democratic presidential nomination.

Trump on Torture

Trump on Torture

Donald Trump said that “enhanced interrogation … works.” But scientists have shown that the stress and pain induced by techniques like waterboarding can impair memory, and, therefore, inhibit a person from recalling information.

Video: FactCheck and PBS NewsHour

FactCheck.org Director Eugene Kiely talks with PBS NewsHour Digital Politics Editor Daniel Bush about some of the false and misleading claims made on the second day of the Democratic National Convention.

Trump’s Press Conference

Trump’s Press Conference

Donald Trump made several false and misleading statements in an hour-long press conference — on Bernie Sanders, Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton’s emails and more.