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The Oregon Shooting and Gun-Free Zones

The Oregon Shooting and Gun-Free Zones

After a mass shooting at Umpqua Community College, Donald Trump and other GOP presidential candidates said the school was a “gun-free zone.” That’s not exactly accurate.

Trump Attacks Bush on Sanctuary Cities

Trump Attacks Bush on Sanctuary Cities

Donald Trump says that “the state of Florida had sanctuary cities while Jeb Bush was governor,” and “nobody said anything.” But we could find no evidence that any Florida city or county fit the bill of a sanctuary city at that time, at least not officially.

Trump Gets Refugee Numbers Wrong

Trump Gets Refugee Numbers Wrong

Donald Trump keeps saying he “heard” the Obama administration plans to accept 200,000 Syrian refugees. He misheard, because that’s inaccurate.

Elizabeth Warren on Trump’s Tax Plan

Elizabeth Warren on Trump’s Tax Plan

In this week’s video, Jake Tapper of CNN’s “State of the Union” looks at Jeb Bush’s claim that Sen. Elizabeth Warren supports Donald Trump’s tax plan.

Club for Growth vs. Trump

Club for Growth vs. Trump

Donald Trump threatens to sue the conservative Club for Growth if it doesn’t pull its TV ad claiming he “supports higher taxes.” The group says it is merely exposing Trump’s “very liberal” record. Who is right?

Doubling Down on Falsehoods

Doubling Down on Falsehoods

Republican presidential candidates Carly Fiorina and Donald Trump were challenged on false claims they made during the second Republican debate, and both doubled down with more misinformation.

Bush’s Hollow Attack on Trump

Bush’s Hollow Attack on Trump

Jeb Bush mocked Donald Trump by saying liberal Sen. Elizabeth Warren supports Trump’s “tax plan.” Warren simply praised Trump’s call to raise taxes on hedge fund managers. Bush’s own tax plan calls for that very same thing.

Donald Trump’s Birthright Citizenship Claim

Donald Trump’s Birthright Citizenship Claim

In the first video for CNN’s “State of the Union” and FactCheck.org’s new partnership, Jake Tapper discusses statements Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump made about birthright citizenship.