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Bush’s Hollow Attack on Trump

Bush’s Hollow Attack on Trump

Jeb Bush mocked Donald Trump by saying liberal Sen. Elizabeth Warren supports Trump’s “tax plan.” Warren simply praised Trump’s call to raise taxes on hedge fund managers. Bush’s own tax plan calls for that very same thing.

Donald Trump’s Birthright Citizenship Claim

Donald Trump’s Birthright Citizenship Claim

In the first video for CNN’s “State of the Union” and FactCheck.org’s new partnership, Jake Tapper discusses statements Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump made about birthright citizenship.

FactChecking Trump’s Press Conference

FactChecking Trump’s Press Conference

Donald Trump’s recent press conference garnered a lot of media attention for his put downs of two high-profile journalists, but he didn’t treat the facts much better.

Trump on Birthright Citizenship

Trump on Birthright Citizenship

Donald Trump was off base with his claim that Mexico does not have a birthright citizenship policy like the U.S. Although the two countries use different terminology, the two policies are actually very similar.

Trump’s Immigration Plan

Trump’s Immigration Plan

Republican Donald Trump’s immigration plan includes several statements that stray from the facts.

First GOP Presidential Primary Debate

FactCheck.org Director Eugene Kiely discussed the first Republican presidential primary debate in an Aug. 7 interview with WCBS radio host Wayne Cabot.

Trump’s Amnesia

Trump’s Amnesia

Donald Trump denied that he had ever called female adversaries some of the words Fox News host Megyn Kelly listed at the first GOP debate — “fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals.” In fact, he has used all of those terms.