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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Biden Promise on SCOTUS Nominee Not Unique

Biden Promise on SCOTUS Nominee Not Unique

At a 1980 campaign event, Ronald Reagan promised to appoint a woman to the Supreme Court if elected. President Trump, while running for reelection, announced at a campaign rally that he would appoint a woman. Sen. Susan Collins said President Biden’s campaign promise to appoint a Black woman to the court “isn’t exactly the same.” We review the facts.

Trump on ‘Race-Based Medicine’ for COVID-19

Trump on ‘Race-Based Medicine’ for COVID-19

At a rally in Arizona on Jan. 15, former President Donald Trump waded into the debate over state policies allowing health systems to consider race as a risk factor when prioritizing the allocation of limited supplies of some COVID-19 therapeutics. According to Trump, it translates to white people being denied life-saving medicines and vaccines.

FactChecking Claims About the Jan. 6 Capitol Riot

FactChecking Claims About the Jan. 6 Capitol Riot

The Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol was the culmination of months of false claims about election fraud. On that day — and afterward — we debunked false, misleading and unfounded claims related to the events that day.

Social Media Posts Misrepresent Old Biden Tweet on Travel Ban

Social Media Posts Misrepresent Old Biden Tweet on Travel Ban

President Joe Biden restricted travel from eight African nations on Nov. 26 to slow the spread of the omicron variant. Conservative commentators have misleadingly cited a Biden tweet from last year to claim he was critical of “the same travel ban” implemented by then-President Donald Trump. But that tweet was about a Trump immigration order directed at predominantly Muslim countries.

Trump and Son Whitewash Vaccine Willingness Before Biden

Trump and Son Whitewash Vaccine Willingness Before Biden

Former President Donald Trump and his son Eric have been dishing out revisionist history with claims that vaccine hesitancy soared once Biden assumed office and that “people were getting the vaccine in record numbers” until Biden implemented vaccine mandates.

Trump Rejected Generals’ Advice, Too

Trump Rejected Generals’ Advice, Too

Rep. Mike Rogers, the ranking Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, said congressional testimony this week showed that President Joe Biden ignored the advice of top generals about what to do in Afghanistan while former President Donald Trump “did listen to it.” That’s not entirely accurate.

Meme Misattributes Quote on Afghanistan to Trump

Meme Misattributes Quote on Afghanistan to Trump

A viral meme falsely claims that former President Donald Trump suggested that the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan was an orchestrated distraction by Democrats. A spokesperson for Trump has denied he made that remark. A very similar statement, not attributed to the former president, previously went viral on Facebook.

Trump and Boebert’s Oil Spin

Trump and Boebert’s Oil Spin

Former President Donald Trump said he had gotten the U.S. to a point where “we didn’t need the Middle East” for “energy.” And now, he said, “we’re going back to them asking them for help.” But the U.S. has continued to import a smaller amount of its petroleum from the Middle East under President Joe Biden.