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Meme Misattributes Quote on Afghanistan to Trump

Meme Misattributes Quote on Afghanistan to Trump

A viral meme falsely claims that former President Donald Trump suggested that the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan was an orchestrated distraction by Democrats. A spokesperson for Trump has denied he made that remark. A very similar statement, not attributed to the former president, previously went viral on Facebook.

Trump and Boebert’s Oil Spin

Trump and Boebert’s Oil Spin

Former President Donald Trump said he had gotten the U.S. to a point where “we didn’t need the Middle East” for “energy.” And now, he said, “we’re going back to them asking them for help.” But the U.S. has continued to import a smaller amount of its petroleum from the Middle East under President Joe Biden.

Instagram Post Wrong on U.S. Casualties in Afghanistan

Instagram Post Wrong on U.S. Casualties in Afghanistan

Eleven American military members were killed in Afghanistan in 2020, including four in combat. But, as the U.S. nears its Aug. 31 deadline for a complete withdrawal from Afghanistan, a social media post falsely claims that there weren’t any American casualties in Afghanistan in the last year-and-a-half of the Trump administration. 

Timeline of U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan

Timeline of U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan

We lay out many of the key diplomatic decisions, military actions, presidential pronouncements and expert assessments of the withdrawal agreement that ended the U.S. military’s 20-year war in Afghanistan.

Biden Leaves Misleading Impression on U.S. Debt

Biden Leaves Misleading Impression on U.S. Debt

In promoting his own spending priorities, President Joe Biden blamed his predecessor’s “unpaid tax cuts and other spending” for increasing the national debt by nearly $8 trillion over four years. The total debt figure is correct, but trillions of that were due to bipartisan coronavirus relief packages.

Debunking Trump’s Latest Arizona Election Claims

Debunking Trump’s Latest Arizona Election Claims

After a contractor hired by state Senate Republicans to look into the results of the 2020 Arizona election provided an update on its findings at a legislative hearing on July 15, former President Donald Trump issued a series of false and misleading statements about what it has uncovered.

More Trump Election Distortions

More Trump Election Distortions

Continuing to claim there is “so much evidence” of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, former President Donald Trump offered two new distortions of the facts about election results in Georgia, a state where recounts showed he narrowly lost by 12,670 votes.

Barr Disputes U.S. Attorney’s Vote Fraud Claim

Barr Disputes U.S. Attorney’s Vote Fraud Claim

Former President Donald Trump says a former U.S. attorney in Pennsylvania was forbidden by then-Attorney General Bill Barr to investigate voter fraud in the presidential election. Barr says that’s false.

Meme Trumpets Falsehood About Delta Variant

Meme Trumpets Falsehood About Delta Variant

The delta variant of the virus that causes COVID-19 spreads more quickly than the original virus and has been classified as a “variant of concern” by the World Health Organization. It is now the dominant variant in the U.S. But a meme has been circulating on Facebook falsely claiming the delta variant is “fake news.”

House GOP’s Misplaced Blame for Rising Homicides

House GOP’s Misplaced Blame for Rising Homicides

On Twitter, the House Republican Conference posted an image of rising homicide rates in seven cities with this bit of misleading commentary: “Welcome to President Biden’s America.”