At a campaign rally in Iowa, President Trump cited an unsubstantiated news report to revive a widely debunked false narrative about Joe Biden’s work in Ukraine on behalf of the Obama administration.
Person: Donald Trump
Trump’s Exaggerated Claims on Biden and Pharma in Puerto Rico
Trump Distorts WHO’s Lockdown Comments
Meme Spreads Misinformation on Presidential Endorsements
A widely shared meme misrepresents Joe Biden’s endorsements. Biden hasn’t been endorsed by antifa or the Black Lives Matter organization, though BLM co-founders support him. And while President Donald Trump has been endorsed by the major law enforcement groups, Biden has received the backing of some law enforcement officials.
Trump’s Numbers, Preelection Update
Trump’s Law and Order Distortions
Video Shows Arrest at a Protest, Not a Church Service
A tweet, shared by President Donald Trump, mischaracterizes a video that purports to show “Americans being ARRESTED for holding outdoor church services.” The video actually shows a demonstration in Idaho against a public health order regarding COVID-19 requirements held by a church in a city hall parking lot.