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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Democratic Convention Night 3

Democratic Convention Night 3

There was news: Sen. Kamala Harris accepted the Democratic vice presidential nomination. But there was little to fact-check.

Democratic Convention Night 2

Democratic Convention Night 2

We found few factual distortions on the night Joe Biden officially became the party’s presidential nominee.

Viral Chart Distorts Human Trafficking Statistics

Viral Chart Distorts Human Trafficking Statistics

A popular bar graph on social media claims to show that the number of human trafficking arrests skyrocketed under President Donald Trump, compared to those under former President Barack Obama. But the chart misleads by using cherry-picked and, in some cases, faulty numbers.

Trump Proves Biden Right on USPS Funding, Mail-In Ballots

Trump Proves Biden Right on USPS Funding, Mail-In Ballots

In late June, Joe Biden claimed President Donald Trump “wants to cut off money for the post office so they cannot deliver mail-in ballots.” At the time, we wrote that Biden had no evidence of Trump’s ulterior motive — but now he does. 

Trump’s Missteps on COVID-19 Mortality

Trump’s Missteps on COVID-19 Mortality

President Donald Trump exaggerated Americans’ comparative success battling the coronavirus, falsely saying in a press briefing that the U.S. per capita death rate is lower than “most” of Western Europe. He also claimed a 9% decrease in COVID-19 fatalities over the past week, but the data do not show such a decline.

FactChecking Trump’s Weekend Press Briefings

FactChecking Trump’s Weekend Press Briefings

President Donald Trump made several false, misleading and exaggerated claims in press briefings he held Aug. 7 and 8 at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Video Using Trump’s State of the Union Address Wasn’t ‘Banned’

Video Using Trump’s State of the Union Address Wasn’t ‘Banned’

A viral video on Facebook claims to show a “campaign ad” for President Donald Trump that was “banned” by Facebook. There’s no evidence the video — showcasing audio from Trump’s 2020 State of the Union address — was “banned,” or that it’s an ad from the Trump campaign.