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Mulvaney’s Spin on Ukraine Aid

Mulvaney’s Spin on Ukraine Aid

White House Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney engaged in some serious political spin when he tried to deny what he said in a televised press conference: that the White House withheld security aid to Ukraine, in part, because the administration wanted Ukraine to investigate Democrats and the 2016 election.

Posts Resurface Made-up ‘Congressional Reform’ Bill

Posts Resurface Made-up ‘Congressional Reform’ Bill

Viral Facebook posts claim President Donald Trump has endorsed a supposed “Congressional Reform Act of 2017.” But no such bill exists. The text in the posts has circulated for years without references to Trump, and it is riddled with false claims.

Video: Trump’s False Subpoena Claim

Video: Trump’s False Subpoena Claim

This week, CNN’s Jake Tapper takes a look at a claim that President Donald Trump made about subpoenas issued by the House committees for documents and testimony related to the impeachment inquiry.

The Facts on Mental Illness and Mass Shootings

The Facts on Mental Illness and Mass Shootings

Q: Do people with serious mental health disorders pose a greater risk of becoming mass shooters?
A: People with mental illnesses are somewhat more likely to be violent than those without a diagnosis. But a majority are never violent, and very little is known specifically about mass murder.

Flurry of Trump Falsehoods

Flurry of Trump Falsehoods

The president distorted the facts on congressional subpoenas, trade, Syria and more during a busy day of public appearances.

Trump Wrong on U.S. Agriculture Exports to China

Trump Wrong on U.S. Agriculture Exports to China

In announcing “phase one” of a tentative trade deal with China, President Donald Trump wrongly stated that the “all-time high” for U.S. agricultural exports to China was “$16 or $17 billion.” Actually, it was nearly $26 billion in 2012.

The Democratic Letter to Ukraine

The Democratic Letter to Ukraine

In May 2018, three Democratic senators wrote to the Ukrainian prosecutor general, asking about a report that he had frozen four Ukrainian investigations involving Paul Manafort to avoid angering President Donald Trump. Republicans have called the letter a “threat” to withhold support for aid to Ukraine, saying it’s similar to what critics have charged Trump did.

Posts Put Words in Thomas Jefferson’s Mouth

Posts Put Words in Thomas Jefferson’s Mouth

Facebook posts in support of President Donald Trump’s 2020 reelection erroneously claim that former President Thomas Jefferson once said “the government will one day be corrupt and filled with liars, and the people will flock to the one who tells the truth.” A Jefferson Library researcher includes it in a list of “spurious quotations.”