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Video: Trump on Deficits

Video: Trump on Deficits

In this week’s video, CNN’s Jake Tapper explains that federal deficits are rising rather than “coming down,” as President Donald Trump claimed.

Apprehensions Not ‘On Track’ to Exceed 1 Million

Apprehensions Not ‘On Track’ to Exceed 1 Million

President Donald Trump tweeted that the U.S. is “on track to APPREHEND more than one million people coming across the Southern Border this year.” That’s not the case, based on the number of apprehensions so far this fiscal or calendar year.

Trump Wrong About Obama Documents

Trump Wrong About Obama Documents

In response to a sweeping document request from a congressional committee looking into potential criminal activity, President Donald Trump wrongly claimed that in the face of similar congressional inquiries, his predecessor, President Obama, “didn’t give one letter.”

Spinning GDP

Spinning GDP

The White House is claiming the economy grew 3.1 percent last year, but it is spinning the numbers — focusing on a little-used measure to make the economy look a little more robust than it does measured the usual way.

Old and New Claims in Trump’s CPAC Address

Old and New Claims in Trump’s CPAC Address

In a two-hour address to the Conservative Political Action Conference on March 2, President Donald Trump made questionable and false claims about the fight against ISIS, tariffs and African American income. He also repeated a bevy of claims we’ve debunked before.

Posts Distort Facts on Obama, Flint

Posts Distort Facts on Obama, Flint

Social media posts distort the facts to misleadingly claim that President Barack Obama “declared Flint water crisis a National Emergency and never fixed it.”

The Facts on the Born-Alive Debate

The Facts on the Born-Alive Debate

Republicans and Democrats traded accusations on the topic of abortion after a “born-alive” bill failed in the Senate. Democrats say the legislation was unnecessary and aimed at restricting access to legal abortion, while Republicans say it was about protecting babies. We’ll go through what the recent legislation said and what both sides are saying about it.

Video: Cohen vs. Trump

Video: Cohen vs. Trump

Our latest collaboration with CNN’s Jake Tapper is on Michael Cohen’s congressional testimony and instances where he contradicted past statements made by President Donald Trump. 

Does China Pay Tariffs?

Does China Pay Tariffs?

President Donald Trump is fond of saying that China is paying the U.S. billions of dollars in increased tariffs. Not true. Tariffs are taxes paid by U.S. importers in the form of customs duties, and to some extent by U.S. consumers in the form of higher prices.