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Several Administrations Used Tear Gas at the Border

Several Administrations Used Tear Gas at the Border

Q: During the Obama administration, did Border Patrol agents use tear gas to control crowds of migrants during incidents at the U.S.-Mexico border?

A: Yes, and the gas was also used by administrations prior to his, news reports say.

Trump’s Misleading Paris Agreement Tweets

Trump’s Misleading Paris Agreement Tweets

On Dec. 4, President Donald Trump tweeted about French President Emmanuel Macron and the Paris Agreement, misrepresenting the foreign leader’s position on the climate accord. Macron has not said or suggested the Paris Agreement is “fatally flawed,” as Trump implied.

Bogus Kurt Russell Quote Strikes Again

Bogus Kurt Russell Quote Strikes Again

A viral meme falsely attributes a quote supportive of President Donald Trump to movie star Kurt Russell. The actor’s representative has debunked it before.

Our 15th Anniversary

Our 15th Anniversary

FactCheck.org’s co-founder takes a look back at our beginnings and how the fact-checking landscape has changed.

Video: Trump’s Climate Claims to the Post

Video: Trump’s Climate Claims to the Post

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper looks at three climate-related claims President Donald Trump made in an interview with the Washington Post.

Trump’s Sketchy Cohen Claims

Trump’s Sketchy Cohen Claims

President Trump went on the attack against Michael Cohen, saying his former personal attorney is a “weak person” trying to avoid jail time by “lying” about negotiations with Russian officials about a possible Trump Tower development in Moscow. But the president twisted several facts in service of his points.

The Science Trump Got Wrong in the Post Interview

The Science Trump Got Wrong in the Post Interview

In a Nov. 27 interview with the Washington Post, President Donald Trump made a series of inaccurate statements. He questioned the cause of climate change, praised a nonexistent method for wildfire prevention and even recycled a long-debunked news story from the 1970s.